New Book ‘The Coast Watchers’.
Noel Kenna informed members of a new book about the Coast Watchers during WWII, specifically mentioning one J.K. McCarthy. The Coast Watchers were engaged with reporting ship and aircraft movements, and Noel elaborated on these historic activities. Specifically, Noel has a book telling the story of J.K. McCarthy and his life in PNG, and is willing to lend this book to other members.
Cliff Heath updated BBQ news, and spoke to members about the recently circulated roster. He thanked those who had promptly filled the Little Aths BBQ roster, but noted there was a late and unexpected BBQ at the Greyhound Club. The date for the TAFE BBQ has been moved. Please check the roster and assist where possible. Cliff also asked if Rotarians who have club aprons could please return them.
Movie Night – ‘Ticket to Paradise’.
Tim McLeod provided an update on tickets for the Rotary Foundation fundraising movie night on Thursday 15th September for the movie “Ticket to Paradise”. He thanked members for their interest and would be communicating with Cheryl Bellman from the Daybreak club in the coming days to finalise our club’s participation.