Tim and PHF Wendy Micham
The Rotary Foundation began as an idea of R I President (1916-1917) Arch Klumph, which he put forward at the R I Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, that year. It began with a contribution of just a few dollars, and had limited success until the death of Rotary Founder Paul Harris on 27 January 1947, when memorial donations raised US$371,143 in 1946-1947 and US$955,905 in 1947-1948.
The Rotary Foundation is managed by a Board of 15 Trustees, all of whom are Rotarians. For 2022-2023, the Chairman of the Board is an A ussie, Ian Riseley, from Sandringham, Victoria, who was President of Rotary International in 2017-2018. Three other Board members are Past RI Presidents, Barry Rassin (2018-2019, Bahamas), Holger Knaack (2020-2021, Germany) and Mark Daniel Maloney (2019-2020, USA), while the remainder are Rotarians from Brazil, Canada, Guatemala, India, Japan, Kenya, Pakistan, Taiwan, USA (3).
The mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spend more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.
In 2018, the Foundation awarded worldwide grants totalling almost $87M US, expended in the following categories:
· $35M in prevention of disease (40%)
· $19M in providing clean water (18%)
· $11M supporting education (13%)
· $10M growing local economies (12%)
· $8M saving mothers and children (9%)
· $4M promoting peace (5%).
In 2020-21, the Foundation had income of more than US$500M.
- All money donated to the Rotary Foundation is invested for a period of two years and after that, all funds are returned to ear Rotary District.
- District 9780 foundation donations over the past few years have dropped significantly.
- Rotarians who contribute to the Centurion program accumulate a tally, and upon reaching $1000US, counts toward a PHF.
- Rotarians who wish to do so may contribute $1,000US to the Rotary Foundation and obtain a PHF. This is not as popular in Australia as it is in some other countries, but all funds assist the foundation in achieving its goals.
Personal Giving to The Rotary Foundation
Contributing to TRF is voluntary, but a certain expectation is accepted by Rotarians that they support TRF to the best of their abilities. The following brief outlines on some of the various 'levels', of contribution to TRF may assist in that decision making process.
Contributing to TRF is voluntary, but a certain expectation is accepted by Rotarians that they support TRF to the best of their abilities. The following brief outlines on some of the various 'levels', of contribution to TRF may assist in that decision making process.
Whilst it hasn’t really been formally broached in my time as a Rotarian, we could as a club consider a project of encouraging philanthropic activities of members as a personal goal in making TRF our charity of choice.
Foundation programs endorsed by District 9780 are as follows:
Centurion Program:
This program is used in this District as a method of supporting the Annual Program Fund. Through the principle of Every Rotarian Every Year, its operation involves $100.00 per head per annum. It also supports the Sustaining Member Program that is achieved by a contribution of US $100.00 per head per annum. Centurion contributions can be directed to Polio Plus, with all avenues accruing credits for PHF recognition.
Paul Harris Fellow [Recognition]:
This particular contribution is US $1,000.00 and is probably better known than most. This recognition can be built on with additional contributions of US $1,000.00, over any period of time, to add five Sapphires and then three rubies to the badge.
Paul Harris Society:
This is in a similar vein as the above recognition; however this level involves regular contributions at the level of US $1,000.00 per annum. Rotarians choosing to participate in this program may make payments as a lump sum, or in regular instalments.
Benefactor and Bequest Society:
This form or level of contribution comes from a different direction; this level is available to any member that makes provision in their Will or Estate Plan, naming Rotary as a beneficiary. This outright contribution becomes part of the Permanent Fund.
Major Donor:
This is achieved by individuals or couples, whose cumulative or single contribution is, or reaches, US $10,000:00.
Further Major Donor levels are US $25,000; $50,000 to $100,000. After this, the Arch C. Klumph Society comes into being up to 1 Million Dollars US.
1] Annual Programs Fund: This fund is the Primary source of funding, for TRF and its programs.
1] Annual Programs Fund: This fund is the Primary source of funding, for TRF and its programs.
2] Permanent Fund: This is an endowment fund, from which, any earnings from the capital contribution, are spent on the Foundations programs.
3] Polio Plus Fund: This fund is responsible for paying all grants made in support of the polio plus program, and it's goal of the eradication of polio worldwide.
PDG Anthony Ohlsen from the Rotary Club of Maryborough chairs the District Foundation Committee supported by members from several clubs around the district. This committee oversees a number of sub-committees being:
PDG Anthony Ohlsen from the Rotary Club of Maryborough chairs the District Foundation Committee supported by members from several clubs around the district. This committee oversees a number of sub-committees being:
- Grants sub-committee - This committee incorporates the Peace Fellowships & Scholarships Subcommittee and the Vocational Training Team Subcommittee. Manages the promotion and implementation of District Grants, Global Grants, Vocational Training Teams (VTT), and monitors the appointment, promotion and work of Peace Fellows and Scholars in our District.
- Fundraising sub-committee - This committee incorporates the Annual Fund Subcommittee, the Fundraising Subcommittee and the Permanent Fund Subcommittee. Manages the promotion and organization of annual giving programs in the District including the Centurion scheme, the Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) program, Endowment Giving, Major Giving Advice, giving to the Permanent fund and management of Paul Harris Society records for the District.
- Scholarships Peace Scholars
- Vocational Training Team sub-committee - Manages the activities of the Vocational Training Team (VTT) committee including the promotion of VTT’s, the establishment of outgoing teams and co-ordinating incoming teams.
- Polio Plus sub-committee
- Stewardship sub-committee - Monitors document collection and the financial records of Rotary Foundation activities in the District.
- Paul Harris Society sub-committee
As set out in the Club Assembly Report, the Club Foundation Committee will continue the process of identifying and researching potential opportunities that meet the Rotary Foundation humanitarian and vocation training project guidelines and eligibility criteria including timelines.
The committee will also continue to raise the awareness of Foundation opportunities and projects at club, district and international level.
Annual Programs Fund
The committee is also committed to continuing to promote other one off donations to the Foundation via a number of avenues, including the Annual Programs Fund and Polio Plus. Each individual donation is important and supports the work of the Rotary Foundation and Rotary International.
Centurion Program
Our club encourages Rotarians to participate in the Centurion Program is a program to recognise donations of AUD $100 to The Rotary Foundation. The donation can be made as a single payment or accumulate over the period of the Rotary year. During the 2020-21 year the committee will encourage members to become a Rotary Centurion by making their own personnel donation to the program.
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition
As in previous years the committee will once again nominate two Paul Harris Fellow Recognitions, one a member of our Rotary Club, and another worthy member of the local community. In addition, due to accumulated contributions over an extended period, as the club has in excess of $US6,000 in “credit”, and the Foundation committee intends that this be expended over the next three years with the recognition of an additional two Paul Harris Fellow Recognitions per year.
Multi Donor Club Contribution
The Multi Donor Club Contribution supports the Australian Rotary Foundation Trust “Annual Giving” fund. In order to continue to grow our foundation legacy, the committee has allocated a sum of $US500 to this fund. During November, being Foundation Awareness Month, there will be a challenge for individual members to collectively match the club’s contribution of $US500.
Other Programs
The committee is also committed to continuing to promote other one off donations to the Foundation via a number of avenues, including the Annual Programs Fund and Polio Plus. Each individual donation is important and supports the work of the Rotary Foundation and Rotary International.
The Foundation committee as aware of the criteria to identify and research potential opportunities that meet the Rotary Foundation humanitarian and vocation training project guidelines and eligibility criteria including timelines.
To put forward a project for approval the Foundation sets a list of project criteria that must be met, these include:
- Attend a grant management seminar
- Complete the club memorandum of understanding
- Agree to any additional qualification requirements set by our district
- Having a long-term, sustainable impact
- Includes activities that clearly fit into one of Rotary’s areas of focus
- Invest at least $30,000 within a community
- Partner with a club in another country
- Address an important need identified by the community itself
- Actively involve the benefiting community in the project
- Strengthen the community’s capacity to meet its own needs
- Develop a project plan that includes a budget and a financial management plan
- Measure progress toward the outcome
- Stay up-to-date in reporting for all active grants
Further information about the Rotary Foundation is available on the website and the 9780 District website.
The Rotary Foundation is our Foundation, so let’s get behind it to continue the great work of Rotary.