May Races Breakfast Meeting with the Rotary Club of Warrnambool Daybreak

Buffet Breakfast of scrambled egg, bacon, tomatoes, baked beans, sausages, mushrooms, spinach and toast was served, washed down with orange juice and/or tea & coffee.
Followed by the Annual Race Off.
Once again Warrnambool Daybreak was victorious.
Australian Rotary Health
As the proceeds of the morning were being directed to ARH, a short video relating to “Lift the Lid on Mental Health” was shown emphasising the need for early intervention. Mention was also made of Mental Health First Aid which began in Australia and has now spread to 25 other countries. (RCWE conducted a well-attended Mental Health First Aid workshop in 2010-2011. It occupied two full days and similarly to the more familiar “medical” first training sessions, gave participants instruction in dealing with persons displaying symptoms of various examples of mental illness.
Did you know?
Continuing an overview of youth programs for Youth Service Month, here are two STEM* activities in which Rotary Clubs, including RCWE are heavily involved.
National Youth Science Forum (NYSF)
This program began in 1984 and is aimed at Year 11 students. For many years, it involved a two-week residential program in Canberra where students selected by Rotary Clubs undertook extension activities, met prominent scientists, visited laboratories and other relevant places – generally they were stimulated and challenged in science related areas. Through and since COVID, elements of the program have gone online. RCWE over the years has sponsored numerous students to NYSF, the first in January 1984 being Karoline Gunn, now Dr Gunn; the most recent Jace Nepean in 2022.
Science and Engineering Challenge
Beginning in the early 90s as the Siemens Science School, a science enrichment program aimed at Years 9 & 10, this activity has morphed to the Science and Engineering Challenge. It involves a non-residential one or two day program of science and engineering activities. In our Rotary District (9780) the program is conducted at various locations, including Ballarat, Geelong, Horsham, Mount Gambier and Warrnambool. Over the years, RCWE has sponsored numerous students to attend, but it is some years since our most recent student. We have, however, for several years made a $1000 contribution to assist the conduct of the Warrnambool Challenge.
*Note:- STEM is an “in” acronym standing for “Science Technology Engineering & Technology”.