Thanks from the East Gippsland Rotary Fire Aid Committee

Back Packs 4 Vic Kids
Please stay tuned for further details of this important activity.
Hole in One Update
#update on Hole-in-1 :: $40K locked in with sponsors :: car has arrived and will go to the sign writers ::
thanks again to Nicole (and Roger) for work being done with WCC to clear the way
# RSL have given 31 X $30 vouchers for daily prizes – many thanks.
# Hole-in-1 Rosters out shortly – all by email as last year – if you want particular times/days, pre-book with
Nicole – contact being made with other clubs, RDA, and similar.
BBQ's and more BBQ's
# two rosters circulating tonight and both are filled – thank you again for support
# WEPS and Saputo are big ones coming up before a break over Hole-in-1
Clontarf Awards Night
Wendy – reminded of the Clontarf Awards Night on 30 November and noted that four Rotarians had committed to attend.
Did you know? - Rotary Foundation
Continuing the Rotary Foundation theme, as November is Foundation Month:-
Over the years, RCWE has contributed US$70,000 to the Foundation on behalf of people as a way of recognising
their work in Rotary and/or the Community. These have been:-
38 Rotarians, the first being PDG Frank Jacobs in 1985-1986,
4 Rotarians being recognised a second time (a sapphire)
7 Partners of Rotarians
20 Community Members, not Rotarians
1 Member of the Timor Leste Community.
Shirley Rhook made a personal contribution of US$1000 while a member of the Club.
Several current and past members of RCWE have credit towards achieving US$1000 as a result of the Centurion Program through which they commit to contribute A$100 each year.
The Rotary Foundation grants Paul Harris Fellow Recognition to anyone who personally contributes US$1000 or in whose name such sum is contributed. The 71 mentioned above were recorded on the Honour Board, recently removed from the wall of the room in which we have our weekly meetings.